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Scramble for Maize Rising in Admarc Depots

Maize Shortage: Now perinnual problem in Malawi Maize Shortage: Now perinnual problem in Malawi pic by Hastings Jimani

Erratic and low supply of maize in ADMARC depots are said to be fuelling congestion in some ADMARC depots in the country.

A spot check in some ADMARC depots in the two districts of Mulanje and Thyolo on Monday and Tuesday respectively revealed scores people struggling to access the grain.

They alleged that some vendors are sending middlemen to buy maize in ADMARC depots which grain is later sold to the public at exorbitant prices on local markets.

“Most of these boys you are seeing here have been sent by vendors and they are buying maize on their behalf,” said one of the destitute maize buyers.

ADMARC clerks in some depots such as Mulanje Boma depot in Mulanje and Goliati in Thyolo said erratic and low supply of maize is affecting maize sales.

The clerks claim they are being supplied 100 bags of 50 kilograms once in two or three weeks in the depots hence rationing the sales to 10 kilograms per individual.

“If we were receiving 150 to 200 bags every week, congestion could be minimized and lessen the struggles being encountered by these people flocking here,” said one clerk.

In some instances, ADMARC guards and police officers are using force to control crowds congesting the depots.

ADMARC officials are yet to comment on the turn up of buyers and erratic supply of the commodity in the depots.

While ADMARC is selling maize at K150 per kilogram vendors are selling the staple grain at K350 in most markets in Mulanje, Thyolo and other districts.

Over 1, 800,000 Malawians are known to have no sufficient access to maize, the staple food for Malawi and projections are that the situation would get worse.

Read 4894 times

Last modified on Wednesday, 15/01/2020

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