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6 Year IHL for Stealing Baby

6 Year IHL for Stealing Baby

The Magistrate’s Court in Mulanje on Tuesday convicted and sentenced to six years imprisonment a 30 year old woman for stealing a two day old baby at Mulanje district hospital on Monday.

It was justice delivered swiftly to mother of the baby Rhoda Charles who comes from Villa-Milange in Mozambique.

She was crying for her missing newly born baby on Monday afternoon and in less than 24 hours, she was back smiling seeing the individual who sent her wailing sent to jail.

Police Prosecutor Assistant Superintendent Hartwell Kachikonga told the court the convict Dorothy Mponda stole the baby from its mother after tricking her that mother to the mother had asked for the baby at the pharmacy.

“Without suspecting anything, she gave her the baby and when the guardian reported back and enquired whereabouts of the baby, it was when she realized that her baby had been stolen,” said the police prosecutor.

Kachikonga says Mponda was arrested at Limbuli trading centre same Monday evening following tip offs and was charged with theft to which she pleaded guilty.

She has been sentenced to six years imprisonment with hard labour.

Senior Resident Magistrate Shaheeda Bakili said what Mponda did traumatized her fellow woman hence the sentence.

Scores of people thronged the Magistrate’s court to witness the case whose incident drew attention of people around Mulanje district headquarters.

Meanwhile, Director of health and social services at Mulanje district council Dr. Alinafe Kalanga has hailed the court and police for executing speedy justice.

He says both the mother and her baby are fine.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 12/02/2020

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