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ZA Eyes MCHS as COVID-19 Isolation Center

Part of the visit Part of the visit - pic by Cassim Aubi

Zomba Central Hospital says is planning to make part of Malawi College of Health Sciences to be used as an isolation center for Covid-19 in case the hospital receives cases.

Hospital Director, Dr Matius Joshua, says the hospital has an intensive care ward for COVID-19 patients that can accommodate 4 at a time but there is need to prepare an isolation center close to the hospital.

“We have ventilators, oxygen concentrators and some drugs to treat some mild conditions but still we need adequate space for isolation and all staff need to be trained,” said Dr Joshua.

He was speaking when mayor for Zomba city, Councilor Benson Bulla, visited the facility to appreciate level of preparedness to respond to COVID-19 cases.

During the visit it was also revealed that that of the three ventilators the hospital received from government only one is working and the other two are under repair.

Bulla warned that the council will use security officers to enforce regulations government has put in place to prevent spread of corona virus which include a ban on mobile markets.

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