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Luchenza Municipality Mayor Hits at Government for Delayed Funding Towards COVID-19 Response

Khamula said the ministry of finance is responsible for funding COVID-19 strategic plans Khamula said the ministry of finance is responsible for funding COVID-19 strategic plans - internet photo

Mayor for Luchenza Municipality, Councilor Henderson Supuni, has accused government of delayed funding to fight the spread of coronavirus in the municipality.

Councilor Supuni who backed the violent Friday demonstrations against the proposed lockdown said residents in the municipality have not been adequately sensitized about the deadly COVID-19 due to lack of funds.

“You can imagine that up until now we have not rolled out sensitization meetings on corona virus and residents in this municipality have little knowledge about COVID-19 that is why they went as far as damaging council offices during the demonstrations,” said councilor Supuni.

He said had it been that they have funds they would have bought sanitary materials like buckets, soap and sanitizer and put them in designated places.

“Am surprised that often times, our council is sidelined when it comes to support towards such crucial programs and now this is a pandemic and once it hits the municipality it can spread rapidly and put us under panic,” said the mayor.

Councilor Supuni also said no NGO has come with its support towards coronavirus prevention awareness to the municipality.

Spokesperson for the Department of Disaster and Management Affairs, Chipiliro Khamula, said the ministry of finance is responsible for funding COVID-19 strategic plans.

“Funding to councils’ COVID-19 strategic plans are done by treasury and you may need to contact the ministry of finance on this issue,” said Khamula

However, treasury spokesperson Williams Banda said funding of individual institutions is done by DODMA and health ministry in line with the National Response Strategy.

“Coordination and funding are being done centrally to DODMA and health ministry through the COVID-19 cabinet committee and not to individual institutions,” said Banda.

On Friday last week some residents of Luchenza Municipality went on rampage damaging council offices in protest of proposed 21-day lockdown.  

They chanted ant-government songs asking who will be feeding them during the lockdown.

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