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Pastors Ask for COVID-19 Funding

Pastor Kachenje donating the items Pastor Kachenje donating the items - pic by Christopher Sande

The Chikwawa Pastors Fraternal has asked government and well-wishers to financially support pastors amid calls that they need to close the churches as preventive measures against COVID-19.

The Fraternal Chairperson, Pastor Wilson Kachenje, told Zodiak on Sunday that most pastors are reluctant to close down the churches because most of them depend on offerings and gifts for survival.

He has since asked people, especially those living in villages to observe social distancing and regular hand washing with soap.

Pastor Kachenje who leads Christian Pentecostal Church was speaking this when he launched the distribution of sanitary supplies like buckets, soap and hand sanitizers to the tune of over 1 million kwacha to 120 Christians.

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