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CAHECOM Worried with Community Gatherings amidst COVID 19

Fr. Semba Fr. Semba - pic by Christopher Sande

The Catholic Health Commission in Malawi, CADECOM, in Chikwawa diocese has complained that many people are not adhering to COVID 19 preventive measures despite calls from government and non-state actors to do so.

CAHECOM Secretary, Lewis Ng'oma, says a lot of people especially in remote areas are still attending community gatherings like weddings, funeral, initiation ceremonies and being found in drinking joints in large numbers without following the COVID 19 measures which he thinks is posing serious threats of fast spreading of the pandemic.

"As CAHECOM in Chikwawa diocese, we are worried with peoples' attitude of doing business as usual in awake of the COVID 19 pandemic," said Ng'oma

Meanwhile, the Catholic diocese of Chikwawa has imposed a mandatory wearing of masks to its faithful in all churches during masses in order to prevent the further spread of COVID 19 pandemic.

As such Ng'oma said the diocese will hire two tailors in each parish to make face masks which will be sold at an affordable price and those who cannot afford will be given free face masks.

"We are also going to establish a taskforce in every parish to encourage communities to adhere to the new measures which have been announced by Bishop Peter Musikuwa," said he.

Diocesan Director of Social Services Father Mathews Semba indicated through the letter which Bishop Peter Musikuwa has issued that they have immediately suspended some liturgical gatherings except masses.

"It is our hope that the new measures will be followed. In case we have a surge in a particular parish, then all liturgical celebrations will be stopped," said Father Semba.

He also asked parents to see to it that necessary measures are being taken to protect children from catching corona virus.

The Bishop's letter is also encouraging Catholic Christians to seriously observe social distancing and pray hard so that God should intervene to wipe out the pandemic.

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