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Plan Donates to 10 Schools in Phalombe

Katutu Katutu - pic by Ronnex Chiwanda

In a bid to ensure that there is continuity of learning and teaching once natural disasters hit, Plan Malawi in partnership with Oxfam have donated learning and teaching materials to 10 schools located in disaster prone areas in Phalombe.

The organization's Program Area Manager responsible for the southern region, Christopher Katutu, says the donation will assist schools to replenish school materials which were damaged due to disaster.

Katutu says that during disasters, people flock in schools; a development which he says affects learning.

He said; “we would want to see learners continue learning during disasters; hence, the donation.”

Katutu adds that the organization wants to build community resilience so that when disasters hit, they should be able to respond on their own.

Primary Education Advisor (PEA) for Khongoloni Zone, Abdul Gama, has described the donation as timely.

Gama says most schools in the zone are always hit by floods which damage learning and teaching materials in the process.

He has since challenged learners and teachers to put to good use of the school materials to enhance provision of quality education.

Text books, Teacher's guides, movable chalk boards, chalk board rulers, Mathematical sets, cartons of soap are among other items which have been donated to eight primary schools and two community day secondary schools under Khongoloni Education Zone in Phalombe.

Plan Malawi and Oxfam Malawi are implementing a project dubbed "enhancing community resilience to hydro-metrological hazards in Malawi” with funding from European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 23/06/2021

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