Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

11 Years Imprisonment for Stealing K2 million

11 Years Imprisonment for Stealing K2 million

The Phalombe First Grade Magistrate's court has slapped Chancy Kaunda and Henderson Sagawa with 11 years imprisonment for robbery with violence.

The court, through state prosecutor, Sub Inspector Shadrick Jonathan Wisiki, heard that the victim, who is a businessperson was on December 7, 2020, at around 1900 hours attacked by the two and went away with K2 million cash and two cellphones.

Inspector Wisiki says the victim shouted for help and was rescued by some people.

In his submission, Wisiki prayed for stiff penalty for the two convicts, considering the fact that the duo are habitual offenders and that they are threat to the society.

Passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Damson Banda concurred with the state and sentenced the two to 11 years imprisonment with hard labour to deter would-be offenders.

Chancy Kaunda, 32, hails from Chingwalu village, Traditional Authority Mkhumba while Henderson Sagawa,39, comes from Waruma village, Traditional Authority Kaledzera in Phalombe District.

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