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Nsanje Learners Defy Covid-19 Preventive Measures

The donation event The donation event - pic by Alfred Guta

Zodiak spot checks in some primary schools under Mlonda and Nyamadzere education zones in Nsanje has revealed little or no adherence to Covid-19 preventive measures among learners.

A visit to Bangula primary, Mlonda, Phokera primary and Nyamadzere Model primary school on Friday saw learners playing in huge crowds without wearing masks.

Bangula Primary School First Deputy Head Teacher, Christopher Mafunga, admitted the situation could expose the learners to Covid-19.

Mafunga said it becomes difficult to control the learners especially when they are outside playing unlike in class.

"We enforce the wearing of masks but as you are aware, the learners are sitting for examinations so most of the learners are outside the classrooms. But when they are in classrooms, we ensure they are all in masks,” explained Mafunga.

Nyamadzere Model Primary School Head teacher, MacDonald Jofilisi, claimed the school is at 99.9 percent on wearing of masks.

"We are doing fine when it comes to wearing of masks. However, it is tricky to control the learners when they are dispersing," said Jofilisi.

Nsanje District Education Manager, Grestone Alindiamao feigned ignorance on the development but was quick to say his office will follow up with Primary Education Advisers (PEAs).

"As an office, we emphasize that the learners should be in masks all the time. Personally, I have been inspecting various schools including, Nsanje Catholic primary, Dinde primary and Nyamadzere, where I observed that some of the learners had masks in their pockets, it is just a matter of enforcement," said Alindiamao.

He admitted failure to enforce wearing of masks could expose the learners to the pandemic.

Meanwhile, Kuchene Women Forum, which works with Action Aid, has bailed out 22 schools under Mlonda, Nyamadzere and Mchere Education Zones with Covid-19 preventive equipment.

The grouping supported the schools with PPE's valued at 4 million kwacha, according to its Coordinator, Alice Kathumba.

"Our interest is on safeguarding learners right to education, if the learners fall sick, they will seldom enjoy their right to education,” explained Kathumba.

According to Kathumba, the Covid-19 preventive equipment has been donated with funding from International Humanitarian Action and Resilience Team (IHART).

Read 4167 times

Last modified on Tuesday, 10/08/2021

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