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Art Therapy for Ending Child Abuses- SCI

Facilitators and children practicing Art Therapy Facilitators and children practicing Art Therapy Photo By: Steve Kalungwe- ZBS

Save the Children concluded its training on Wednesday in Neno district where it was drilling Community Facilitators on new ways of curbing sexual offenses using "Art Therapy."

Speaking to Zodiak online, Child-Friendly Mobile Courts Project officer Dalitso Mipando said the training has helped to equip teachers, police officers from the victim support unit, children, and other stakeholders with expressive Arts style of conveying gender-based violence cases.

"Children who are shy to speak will now be able to convey a message through an artistic piece thereby increasing case reporting on child rights abuses," said Mipando.

A Facilitator, Lucy Howa and Save the Children's Early Childhood Development officer Enala Kilembe were optimistic cases of child abuse will decline as teachers and parents will be able to detect a strange behavior in children and entice them to draw their ideal.

"Using this new model, learners will be able to pass to their teachers or parents a piece of drawing depicting their situation and we hope it will bring a change," narrated Kilembe.

Meanwhile, a 47-year-old man who defiled and impregnated a 13-year-old girl in Neno district has been ordered to go to jail for 14 years.

A magistrate sitting at Mwadzi primary school said what Alick Chitsulo did traumatized and doomed the future of the girl who will soon be a mother at just 13.

First Grade Magistrate, Magret Khobiri, hopes the 14-year-jail-term handed down to Chitsulo shall deter other would-be offenders.

The case was moved to the community courtesy of Save the Children's Child-Friendly Mobile Courts Project with funding from NORAD.

Read 3370 times

Last modified on Wednesday, 20/10/2021

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