Mzati Media House in Afforestation Drive
A community media house, Mzati radio and television station on Wednesday led its community associates (Abwenzi a Mzati) in Mulanje in a tree planting exercise at Nansomba Technical College.
The station’s spokesperson, Mercy Madzi, told Zodiak Online that the initiative is aimed at instilling the spirit of environmental replenishment among its listeners and associates apart from simply promoting environmental conservation through radio and television programmes.
"We have a diverse range of environmental programmes that are meant to mobilize people towards tree planting activities but that alone is not enough without us practically participating; hence, taking part in this exercise to set an example to our followers," said Madzi.
Chairperson for Mzati Community Associates in Mulanje Kadaulo Peter Makatha said they are expecting to see 90 percent of planted trees growing to their full potential.
“We will strive to work with local leaders around the institution to assist us in safeguarding these trees from any damage,” said Makatha.
During the event, Mzati media house staff and the community associates planted 250 trees to kick start the tree planting exercise which will run throughout this year's afforestation season.
A similar activity took place at Mvunguti Primary School in Phalombe on Monday where 150 trees were planted.
Mzati community associates group started in 2018 and its core activities are charity work and environmental restoration.