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MUBAS Students Launch Poly Observer

Students at the Malawi University on Business and Applied Science in the faculty of education and communication studies have developed a magazine.

The magazine, Poly Observer, which is going to feature topics highlighting latest development at the college is expected to offer practicing platform for the communication students.

Speaking during the launch of the magazine over the weekend, MUBAS Deputy Dean for the Faculty, Grace Kadzakumanja emphasized on the importance for the students to put into practice what they learn and not just memorize concepts.

"As a newly established university, we are interested so much in innovation and skills application. Whatever it is that we impart to our students, we expect output in one way or another. We therefore believe that the magazine will be a good platform for our students to showcase their written communication skills,” she said.

Kadzakumanja also added that the university intends to introduce its own radio and Television Station for its communication students to have hands on experience before going to the industry.

On his part, Chief Executive Officer for Poly Observer Magazine, Robert Luka said the magazine will go a long way in sealing a gap of knowledge application at the university.

MUBAS, formerly Malawi Polytechnic, became an independent university after being delinked from the then University of Malawi.

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Last modified on Thursday, 24/03/2022

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