Balaka District Hospital Opens a Paying Ward
First Lady Monica Chakwera on Tuesday presided over the opening of a paying ward at Balaka District Hospital.
Chakwera said she hopes the section will help in effective service delivery at the facility.
"I am convinced that this will go a long way to assist our doctors work with ease. It will also help mothers deliver safely. We are grateful for this help," she said.
Balaka Director of Health and Social Services, Dr Eugene Kaunda, says funds generated from the paying section will compliment health service delivery at the hospital.
"We have a lot of challenges here at the hospital and this wing will help sort out some of the outstanding matters from the funds it generates," said Kaunda.
The private wing has been supported with 15 electric beds, 15 mattresses, 10 wheel chairs, covid-19 test kits among other equipment by Good Life from Germany.
The wing has been named after the first lady Monica Chakwera.
Balaka district hospital serves a population of over 477, 000 people.