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CZ Chief Tightens Measures Against Early Marriages

GVH Mbalame GVH Mbalame - pic courtesy of Determinants

Group Village Headman Mbalame of Chiradzulu has instituted tough measures aimed at curbing early marriages and unwanted pregnancies among young girls in the district.

Mbalame disclosed this to Zodiak Online last Friday when he graced the graduation of at least 20 youths who have undergone a formal computer  application training in the district.

The traditional chief said among others, parents who are perpetuating the trend are being fined.

Mbalame added that in collaboration with law enforcers, all parents including his subordinate chiefs who are aiding the vice are also being arrested.

"We can't afford to fold our hands and  allow the future of our young girls being destroyed. I am therefore warning all parents and guardians including my subordinate chief to stop aiding the vice, " said Mbalame.

On her part Mirriam Chilemba, who runs a local NGO in the district Young Women Rise(YOWERI) called on young girls who dropped out of school due to early marriages or unwanted pregnancies to go back to school arguing it is not too late for them to do so.

Kelvin Mphaya, Training Administrator for a local youth NGO in the district, the Determinants which organised the graduation ceremony said his organisation decided to equip the youth in the district with computer application skills such as data management as these skills have become so demanding on the job market

He expressed optimism that the move will go along way in reducing early marriages in the district as through training the young girls are being motivated to go ahead with their education.

Cases of early marriages and unwanted pregnancies in Chiradzulu district have become so alarming due to poverty.

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