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Luchenza, Mzuzu Silos Maintenance Completed - NFRA

Preliminary tests have been done and I think everything seems to be working properly - Kalekeni Preliminary tests have been done and I think everything seems to be working properly - Kalekeni - internet pic

The National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) says maintenance works for the 12-year malfunctioning Luchenza and Mzuzu metallic silos are almost complete.

NFRA's Board chaiperson, Denis Kalekeni has told Zodiak Online on Tuesday that they have now replaced the chain conveyors which were damaging maize and what remains is to fix the leakages in the silos.

Kalekeni has, however, indicated that they are yet to put together how much has been used to procure the equipment in Germany and maintenance works for the country’s strategic grain reserves.

"Preliminary tests have been done and I think everything seems to be working properly", Kalekeni said.

Food and agriculture expert, Ronald Chilumpha has noted with sadness that the country could neglect such assets to depreciate for 12 years.

"It means in the past 12 years these strategic silos have delivered zero value to the country and we have actually depreciated them," he said.

It is estimated that the country loses over 400, 000 metric tons of maize annually, owing to poor storage facilities, particularly by the smallholder farmers.

The Luchenza silos were commissioned in 2010 and were last used in 2011 due to leakages and high moisture content while Mzuzu silos were launched in 2012 and last used in 2012.

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