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CYDT For Boys Inclusion in Protecting Girls From GBV

We are ready to the protect the rights of girls We are ready to the protect the rights of girls - pic by Hastings Jimani

Center for Youth Development and Transformation (CYDT) has joined non-governmental organizations that are calling for inclusion of boys in fighting against abuse on girls and women.

The organization is implementing a gender transformative strategy from the project dubbed “ENGAGE through sports” in Traditional Authorities Machinjiri and Kapeni in Blantyre district.

The strategy according to CYDT Project Officer Charles Nyerere is encouraging boys to be working together with girls in promoting positive gender roles and become a new generation of men and boys that respect the rights of women and girls.

Nyerere told Zodiak Online on Thursday that men and boys should not be left behind on issues to do with gender equality, masculinity, sexuality and rights of women and girls.

“Leaving out the boys in protection of girls from gender-based violence will not yield anything as the boys feel sidelined and out of anger they may leave the girls suffer even perpetrating the violence against them,” said Nyerere.

He said boys have the role to play in protection of girls from all forms of GBV through the promotion of positive masculinity and challenging negative gender norms. 

“The overall objective is to have a safe and supportive environment that will make girls thrive and enjoy their rights absolutely,” said Nyerere.

Chairperson of Machinjiri Area Development Committee Trizzer Mandowa is hopeful that the project will reduce teenage pregnancies and child marriages that are common in the area.

“Cases of child marriages and teenage pregnancies are common in this community and through sensitization meetings on consequences of the two, we are optimistic that soon we will start registering reduction of these cases,” said Mandowa.

Mentor of Jameson boys’ camp in Traditional Authority Kapeni Ephraim William told Zodiak Online they have been sensitizing boys on their role in protecting their sisters (girls) from any form of abuse.

He said they are expecting to see significant changes when they start football bonanzas this coming weekend where they will be disseminating messages on gender equality and Gender Based Violence.

“Unlike boys, many girls in this area drop out of school especially in senior classes due to lack of support (school materials) from their parents or guardians with an archaic thinking that girls cannot go further with their education but wait for hands in marriages,’’ said William.

Both Mandowa and William have called upon NGOs that are implementing GBV projects to include men and women in their activities otherwise they may be fighting a losing battle if they sideline the male gender. 

According to Nyerere, CYDT is working in partnership Girls Empowerment Network (GENET) who are targeting girls with cycling sports while CYDT is working with boys under the Gender Transformative Strategy.

The two-year-project started in 2021 and is expected end this year in June with support from COMIC Relief to the tune of 206 Malawi kwacha.   

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