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Salima DHO Commends Save the Children for Contributing Towards Reduction of Malaria Cases

Kadzenje Kadzenje - pic by Moses Masiye

Health authorities in Salima say Breakthrough action, an anti-Malaria project that nongovernmental Organisation Save the Children has been implementing in the district has helped to achieve a drop of Malaria cases.

Frank Linze, District malaria coordinator for Salima, says since the onset of the project, malaria cases have decreased.

"In January about 41, 000 people were diagnosed with malaria compared to 10, 000 people diagnosed in March, a drop we attribute to the project interventions that targeted three Traditional authorities of Maganga, Ndindi and Khombedza," said Linze.

Salima Breakthrough Action project manager Victor Kadzenje says the project which started in 2021 aims at educating and empowering people with skills on how to prevent Malaria.

Kadzenje says: "We are focusing on strengthening the capacity of Community Health Action Groups (CHAGs) as community structures in Salima to drive community collective action around key malaria and family health-related behaviors through the Community Action Cycle (CAC)."

Breakthrough ACTION is an eight-year USAID-funded global project that accelerates the use of social and behavior change (SBC) through state-of-the-art, evidence-based tools and processes that encourage the adoption of health behaviors, while addressing structural barriers and underlying social and gender norms that prevent uptake of services and positive health practices.

The project is implemented by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) in partnership with Save the Children, Ideas42, Think Place, Camber Collective, among other partners.

In Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION implements activities focused on three programmatic activities; ending child, early and forced marriages, COVID-19 prevention and vaccine uptake, and malaria/family health.

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