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Mlauli ADC Hails NGOs in Development

Kampaliro Kampaliro - pic by Steve Kalungwe

The Mlauli Area Development Committee Zone (ADC) has emphasized the need for non-governmental organisations working in Neno to champion the uplifting of people's lives through their different projects.

The chairperson for the committee Jonas Goliati said this today, Thursday during an ADC quarterly meeting held at Ligowe Community Development Organization (LICODO) complex hall.

For example, Goliat said issues of malnutrition among under five children and deaths of people suffering from Non-communicable diseases have reduced thanks to interventions by Umodzi Consulting through the United States Africa Development Fund (USADF).

He said that " through different grants that the group is distributing to our local cooperatives we have seen that the incomes of the households who have NCD patients has improved and the people themselves are healthy".

This was collaborated by Mlindi Cooperative chairperson James Mazingariwa who said that they received a grant of K118 million to construct a factory for seed processing, an animal farm and vegetable garden which has increased their income and help surrounding communities with food.

Senior Chief Mlauli also hailed an organization Community Action for Sustainable Development for its effort to return teen mothers to school.

In his area traditional initiation ceremonies were banned opting for religious ones after interventions by the Securing Children's Rights through Education and Protection (SCREP) project funded by NORAD through Save the Children.

Monitoring and Evaluation officer, Washington Kampaliro from CASDO says their organization is committed to see to it that children enjoy full education rights and commended the chief for banning all traditional initiation ceremonies which were deemed harmful to the future of children.

At the same meeting, it was also noted with concern that Community Based Organizations are lacking funding which is affecting their operations and harms networking.

Graciano Kamwendo ordinary member for CBO networking says that for example, Ligowe has eleven CBO's with only six of them operating and they seldomly meet as the office of the Social Welfare does not sanction such meetings and it chose child protection workers as chairpersons of CBO'S to work with.

He said that this has increased child marriages in the area of Senior chief Dambe especially at Godeni village which is a hard to reach area and needs proper funding and knowledge of the root cause of the problems to solve them.

In response, Goliati asked concerned organizations to bail out the Community Based Care Centres saying they are almost dead due to lack of funding.

Meanwhile to address issue of water, Neno district council water officer Richard Mkandawire says the council has developed a master plan which will see the Ligowe Water Users Association being upgraded and rehabilitated using the Mfundazi river.

"The paper work is done and we are waiting for the contractor to be on the site and this will happen soon", he said.

He however said that the K12 million water resources fund his office receives is not enough and they will use the Constituency Development Fund  to compliment the project with a call for people to donate land for the project as they do not compensate.

Mkandawire then warned non-governmental organisations to desist from drilling individual boreholes saying it attracts a fine of K2 million per individual and K10 million to an organization.

On sanitation, the people of Ligowe has sounded a warning of emerging threats of waterborne diseases saying that there is no proper sanitation at the main market which has no toilets, water and electricity for safety.

Brighton Mphinga from the district council planning department was mum on the answers to the problem saying he needed to consult for concrete answers.

"I need to consult but people must take responsibility on some initiatives", said Mphinga.

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Last modified on Friday, 16/06/2023

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