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BT Synod Engages Stakeholders on GBV, Suicide in Thyolo

Banda Banda - Picture: Luka Beston

The Blantyre Synod Health and Development Commission believes empowering the youths on sexual and reproductive health rights is a sure way of reducing increased cases of early marriages, teen pregnancies, Gender Based Violence and suicide in Thyolo.

The commission's Nzatonse project officer, Thoko Banda said most of the GBV and suicide cases are a result of young people rushing into early marriages when they are not mentally and economically ready to handle responsibilities.

Thyolo district youth network chairperson, Merenia Huwa said there is need to conduct a research to unearth other contributing factors on the issues and embark on sensitization campaigns.

Huwa suggested, "of course, we know that this is basically due to disappointments and poverty, as some of the youths lack resources to support themselves, hence resorting to suicide. But there is need for a research".

Meanwhile, the district's gender officer, Gerald Zgambo has urged the youths to desist from alcohol and substance abuse that are impairing their mental health, thereby affecting the country's development.

The development arm of the CCAP Blantyre Synod has been implementing Nzatonse project from 2016 in four phases through the Germany Development Fund (KFW).

Among others, the project was addressing religious and social cultural barriers for the youths access to sexual and reproductive health and rights by using gender-sensitive approaches among rural women and the youths.

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