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Action for Rural Development for Improved ECD Services in Nsanje

Tembo Tembo - pic by Alfred Guta

A local Non-Governmental Organization in Nsanje, Action for Rural Development, has decried gaps in Early Childhood Development (ECD) services in the district.

The organization's Executive Director, Mayeso Tembo, has noted, "huge problems on ECD services in the district.

"Inadequate infrastructure, lack of trainings for care givers and food concerns. We are implementing Shifting the Power Program and we identify this as our priority area," explained Tembo.

He believes the Comic relief and UK funded program will make a difference in improving ECD services in the district.

Tembo told Zodiak Online that "we are currently implementing the program under a catalyst funding phase by Comic relief and UK Aid through Tilitonse Foundation in Malawi.

The organization today Friday engaged ECD structures on the same.

"So we are here just to develop a proposal that will be submitted to the Comic relief UK through Tilitonse Foundation.

He added, "Tilitonse developed a self-assessment tool that must be used by organizations that need to apply for the funding for Shifting the Power development approach.

"It’s all about giving the power to the local communities. It is there to review all developmental projects.

He added, "the program is there to change the way we have been doing things. Communities have to demand projects as opposed to imposing the projects on them, " said Tembo.

The program will run for eight years. The country implementer is Tilitonse Foundation, according to Tembo.

He said the Catalyst fund will run for six months from July 2023 to December 2023.

"We are going to another phase of Strengthening Civil Society. We are here to write a proposal for that phase.

Mary Malitinyu from Nkotamu Community Based Child Care Centres (CBCC) believes the approach will improve the delivery of developmental projects.

"Our CBCC is lacking so many things. We do not have teaching and learning materials and so we do our work blindly. This makes our work difficult may those responsible acts accordingly," lamented Malitinyu.

A Child Protection Officer Comence Tembo who works under the Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social welfare in the district has implored the communities "to be agents of change, It begins with you."

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Last modified on Friday, 10/11/2023

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