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Hell Breaks Loose at Kalioni in Neno

Kamfumu house and car ransacked by the mob Kamfumu house and car ransacked by the mob - Social media picture

Neno police station publicist Austin Kamwendo has confirmed that one Police officer Rebecca Msoliza has been wounded in the head and treated at Neno district hospital.

This followed chaotic scenes at Kalioni where a man is being suspected of having a hand in the missing of a 15-year-old boy a couple of days ago.

Kamwendo says that the police have also used teargas to disperse the angry mob that has damaged a house, minibus, a maize mill and a farm belonging to the suspect beside trying to set the man alight.

The police publicist further says that the suspect is being treated for his injuries at an undisclosed health facility and will remain in their custody for safe keeping.

However, Kamwendo has refuted allegations that the injured officer had her gun snatched by the mob.

"Let me confirm here that all the guns and other ammunition we took are with us. None is missing and we are promising that we will deal with this scene professionally," said Kamwendo.

The suspect is being identified as Limbani Mussa Kamfumu who is an uncle to the missing boy, Jimmy Chimbalanga, all from Galeta 2 in the area of chief Chekucheku in Neno.

Read 3532 times

Last modified on Tuesday, 16/01/2024

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