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No School Should Adjust Fees Without Approval - MoE

Nkuonela; We have received reports on fees adjustments Nkuonela; We have received reports on fees adjustments

The Ministry of Education says no school should adjust any form of fees without the approval of the ministry.

Spokesperson for the ministry Mphatso Nkuonera told Zodiak Online on Monday that the ministry received reports about the fees adjustments and has advised school administrators through division managers on the matter.

Nkuonera said school administrators and division managers should always consult the ministry before any school fees adjustment.

"We want to remind administrators and managers to adhere to the set laws and should they found flouting laws they will face long arm of the law," said Nkuonera.

Recently, Community Day Secondary Schools in some parts of the country adjusted school fees upwards from K25,000.00 per term to K40,000.00

Meanwhile, Chairperson for Phalombe District Education Network (PHADEN), Vincent Thom, has described the recent fees adjustments for the community day schools as untimely and punitive to parents.

"Despite an increase in price of teaching and learning materials, schools should consider a minimal adjustment owing to the current economic crisis," said Thom.

Fees for public colleges, universities secondary schools and other private institutions have been revised due to economic challenges facing the country which has pushed upwards prices of teaching and learning materials as well as food.

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Last modified on Tuesday, 27/08/2024

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