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Cassim Aubi

Cassim Aubi

The Malawi prison service has fired six of its officers from different stations.

High court judge Redson Kapindu in Zomba on Tuesday 2nd June, 2020 sustained magistrate court's ruling which acquitted Dr. George Chaponda on all charges relating to alleged irregularities in the purchase of maize from Zambia in 2017 when Chaponda was minister of agriculture.

Muslim faithfuls in Malawi have today joined fellow Muslims worldwide in observing fasting in the Muslim Holy month of Ramadhaan, but Muslim Association of Malawi says the fasting should be observed in line with set guide lines of preventing spread of coronavirus.

Prison Officers Resume Work

Junior prison officers who were on an industrial strike to force authorities to among others promote them have resumed work but have given government up to 30th May to resolve all grievances the officers gave.

Authorities in Zomba have closed a clinic at Chancellor College to make it a quarantine center for coronavirus.

Zomba Central Hospital says is planning to make part of Malawi College of Health Sciences to be used as an isolation center for Covid-19 in case the hospital receives cases.

At Zomba Central Hospital, health workers are staging a strike to force the authorities to resolve arrears on their salaries and allowances for the past months.

The Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority has reduced pump fuel prices effective Saturday 4th April 2020.

The Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority has reduced fuel prices effective, April 4, 2020, following a major price drop on the international market triggered by Covid19.

Partners responding to disasters the country has been experiencing have been challenged to look beyond providing relief assistance to the affected communities as some infrastructures damaged by the recent disasters in Zomba remain unchecked.

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