Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Christopher Sande

Christopher Sande

About 502 children from female Headed families in Chikwawa stand to benefit from the 32 million kwacha development activities being spearheaded by Circle for integrated community Development, CICOD.

About 600 people in Mwanza have achieved income and food security thanks to African Parks Majete wildlife officials for scaling up bee keeping farming there.

Authorities at Chikwawa District Council have expressed optimism that conditions and services will likely improve following a five day hands on training on review of service and conditions.

Two well-known organizations have rolled out a door to door campaign to dispel rumors that people cannot contract Covid 19 in hot weather.

Councilor Gannet Dies; Buried

Disbelief and anger marred the burial ceremony of ward councilor for Makhuwira South Mannick Gannet in Chikwawa after he was accidentally shot by a police officer on Monday during a fracas at Mitondo when authorities were disbursing compensation money to families affected by the east bank road construction project.

An angry mob in Nsanje has burnt to death a suspect of robbery with violence in the wee hours of Monday.

Councilor Shot Accidentally

Ward Councillor for Makhuwira South in Chikwawa Mannick Gannet is in deep pain after a police officer accidentally shot him around the shoulder during a fracas when people were receiving their compensation money for being affected by the construction of the East Bank road construction.

The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) in Chikwawa has engaged various district stakeholders in a bid to fully revamp the District One Stop Centre which is the main referral for cases of Gender Based Violence and sexual Abuse in the district.

Agriculture officials in Lower Shire have vaccinated about 15, 000 cattle to protect the animals from Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) which has hit the area.

Government has proposed that there should be a realistic dialogue between wildlife officials and surrounding communities in order end hostilities in Lengwe National Park amid growing incidents of encroachment.

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