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George Kalungwe

George Kalungwe

Unduna wa zaumoyo wapempha nthambi za boma zomwe zikuchita ulimi pansi pa ndondomeko ya minda ikuluikulu ya ulimi wa bizinesi kuti zizidzipereka zina mwa zokolola zawo ku zipatala za boma kuti odwala adzidya chakudya chabwino ndi chopatsa nthanzi.

For many years now, the government of Malawi and agronomists have been encouraging local farmers to grow genetically modified (GM) cotton seed following its notable benefits on yield and disease resistance.

Golden Matonga, Platform for Investigative Journalism Director of Investigations, has been confirmed as the new chairperson of the Media Institute for Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi Chapter following executive committee elections held yesterday in the three regions of the country.

The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) says it is determined to provide water-tight balloting services for institutions conducting elections in the country as a means of upholding democratic values.

The Greenbelt Authority has called on stakeholders to consider putting in place long term measures that would ensure people affected by Cyclone Freddy are food secure, including winter farming as soon as the waters subside.

Lilongwe: Malawi’s President’s Lazarus Chakwera is today expected to appear before parliament to address MPs on issues of national interest with a special focus on his government’s recovery plan following Cyclone Freddy.

Despite a delay that caused concern among Malawians and the nation’s leaders on the world’s response to the disaster that has hit Malawi resulting from Cyclone Freddy, now aid and support is pouring in.

Despite a delay that caused concern among Malawians and the nation’s leaders on the world’s response to the disaster that has hit Malawi resulting from Cyclone Freddy, now aid and support is pouring in.

The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA) says as of Tuesday morning, the death toll from Cyclone Freddy related disasters stood at 190, mainly in the southern part of Malawi.

Jessica Mandanda is a youth rights activist from Lilongwe, the capital city of Malawi. But she didn’t become an activist by choice—circumstances forced her. When she was 17 years old, Ms. Mandanda got pregnant and gave birth to her first child.

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