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George Kalungwe

George Kalungwe

Lilongwe: President Lazarus Chakwera delivered his much-anticipated State of the Nation Address (SONA) in the Parliament Building here in the capital city amid interruptions from the opposition benches.

President Lazarus Chakwera is this morning expected to open the 50th Session of the Malawi Parliament in Lilongwe with a State of the Nation Address (Sona) which has drawn high expectations from Malawians.

President Lazarus Chakwera has told the nation that he is not impressed with the performance of some of his cabinet ministers who are not only incompetent but also corrupt, and has since fired two.

Lilongwe: The authorities to are conduct an autopsy on the 25 bodies found bundled in a mass grave in a forest in Mzimba, northern Malawi.

The media advocate group MISA Malawi on Tuesday appeared before the Parliamentary Committee on Media, Information and Communications in Lilongwe where reiterated its stand that the revocation of licences for radio stations undertaken recently by the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) is too drastic.

Chakwera Off to Kenya; UNGA

President Lazarus Chakwera is in Nairobi, Kenya, on his way to the United States of America for this year’s United Nations General Assembly - UNGA.

President Lazarus Chakwera has joined hundreds of world leaders in mourning the death of the United Kingdom’s monarch, Queen Elizabeth II.

President Lazarus Chakwera has joined hundreds of world leaders in mourning the death of the United Kingdom’s monarch, Queen Elizabeth II.

It has been four years since cotton farmers in Malawi were introduced to genetically modified (GM) cotton seed whose main aim is to deal with bollworms. These are the deadliest pests for the crop, capable of reducing yields by over half if not controlled.  

Former Finance Minister Joseph Mwanamveka has been arrested for allegedly abusing his position in the payment of MK19 billion ($18.3m) to the Homeland Security Ministry for the purchase of uniforms and equipment for the Malawi Prison Service.

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