Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Jacqueline Nhlema

Jacqueline Nhlema

Bwaila Fistula Camp Reopens

After nine-month closure of the Bwaila Fistula Camp in Lilongwe, to pave way for COVID 19 operations, government has finally let the place back to Freedom From Fistula Foundation to resume repairing women who had the fistula condition.

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data have launched an initiative to strengthen Africa’s data ecosystems in the face of COVID-19.

Renowned legal expert Professor Garton Kamchedzera has taken a swipe at the legal team for President Peter Mutharika accusing it of deliberately ignoring principles of good lawyering when they let Mutharika decide to appeal against recent the ruling of the Constitutional Court in the presidential election case.

Seven years after the Anti-Corruption Bureau–ACB-indicated it was investigating claims that former President Bingu wa Mutharika had starched over 70 billion Kwacha in off-shore accounts, nothing has happened on the ground as information has gone missing at ACB.

African investigative journalists have been challenged to put on a “tough skin” when dealing with organized crime, such as plunder of state resources involving public officers – a case of cash-gate.

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