Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Nancy Chumachawo

Nancy Chumachawo

As the rainy season has started, fear has gripped people from areas of group village heads Mjahito and Chiwalo in Machinga as Namandanje river swells up each year, rendering all movement across the river to access health and education facilities impossible.

Paramount Chief Kawinga of Machinga has called on Friends of Machinga, an organisation for those who come from the district, to avoid bringing politics into their grouping.

Paramount Chief Kawinga of Machinga says he expects no politicking in the group Friends of Machinga, an organization for people of that district who wish to advance development work.

Senior Chief Liwonde Machinga district has called on government and its development partners to drill more boreholes in his area as those available are located far from the people.

Early marriages are said to be fueling abuses against children and young women in Machinga.

Oxfam Malawi says it remains committed to ensuring that students in the country are learning in a good and safe environment.

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