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Online Journalist

The Polytechnic, which was stopped after a fire destroyed one hostel amid student protests over security matters, will be re-opened on January 20th.

MET Hit By Staff Shortage

The country's Department of Meteorological Services has been hit by staff shortage at a critical time when weather forecasts have become pivotal to mitigating weather related disasters.

Media Council of Malawi-MCM, which for the past three years has been dormant, has been resuscitated and relaunched. Mose Kaufa is the new Executive Director.

The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services says the next three days will see Malawi receive heavy rains which will likely cause floods in lakeshore areas and some parts of the central region.

Ombudsman, Martha Chizuma, has added her voice to calls for the restructuring of the Malawi Police Service triggered by the collapsing relationship between the law enforcement agency and the general public.

HRDC Postpones Dec Demos

The human Rights Defenders coalition has postponed Friday demonstrations aimed at pushing the Malawi police service to act on fellow officers implicated in the Msundwe saga and Buleya Lule killing under police custody.

A 16-year-old girl who was being persuaded out of an under-age married has miscarried after alleged police torture in Mzimba.

Fall Army Worms Invade Malawi

Fall army worms continue to cause more damage to maize in several districts across country, raising fear of hunger.

Ilomba Granite Company; a Chinese mining firm working in Chitipa district has sued chiefs, CSO leaders, and citizens in that district for allegedly interfering with its economic activity.

The state grain marketer Admarc says it will start selling 25 kilograms of maize flour and 25 kgs of maize grain which is an increase from the current 10 kilograms.

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