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Online Journalist

Preliminary figures for the second round of mass polio vaccination campaign which the country held last week indicates the intended target was surpassed.

The ministry of education has today called representatives of some 5, 000 unemployed primary school teachers to a round-table discussion pertaining to their demand for recruitment.

The Malawi Congress of Trade Union (MCTU) has introduced a new project to eliminate child labour cases which have become rampant in tobacco growing districts.

At least 38 children have today failed to return to school in the area of Sub-Traditional Authority Adamson in Machinga because authorities are yet to decommission initiation camps in the area.

At least 58.8 percent of Malawians are yet to break multidimensional poverty chains with the rural population dominating the list, a second national Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) report has revealed.

Lilongwe District Council has asked farmers to commercialise their agricultural productivity by, among other things, adding value to their produce and making it stand competitively on the international market.

By Henderson Charles Msusa

A 30-year woman has been apprehended for allegedly stealing a newborn at Ntchisi District Hospital.

Ntchisi Police Public Relations Officer Glory Kondowe, has identified the suspect as Mayines Banda, and was arrested Monday in the district.

" Banda tricked the owner of the baby, linafe Hayiton, that she was a friend to her guardian, who by that time had gone to the guardian shelter to prepare food. She offered herself to carry the baby, so that the mother could rest," Kondowe said.

Kondowe added, that with that assuarance, the mother then slept, then the suspect took advantage of this to sneaking out of the ward, fortunately, she was intercepted by the hospital's perimeter guard.

Banda who is expected to be taken to court soon  to  answer the charge of stealing a child. She  comes from Chole village, Traditional Authority Kalumo in the district.

By Henderson Charles Msusa

A man was killed while eight others were admitted to Ntchisi District Hospital following a road accident which occurred on an earth road between Chikhwakhwa and M'nyanga village Saturday.

One of the persons who was in the car involved in the accident, Petro Jaziel told Zodiak that the accident involved a lorry which carried about 63 people on board, a group of mourners, going to a funeral ceremony in M'nyanga Village Traditional Authority Vuso Jere in the district.

"At the time, the vehicle was coming from Malomo direction heading to the funeral ceremony. The driver failed to control the vehicle when passing through a mound, resulting into an overturn," he said.

Spokesperson for Ntchisi District Hospital Samison Mfuyeni, said following the accident, one man died because of severe head injuries.

"About 15 people sustained minor injuries and we treated them as outpatients," he added.

Franklin Mtambalika

Old Mutual Group on Tuesday donated a MK5 Million cheque to the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAM) to go towards the institution’s Annual Lakeshore Conference slated for September 14th to 16th 2023.
Head of Property Services at Old Mutual Group Elliot Jambo said the the sponsorship is to enable ICAM successfully organise the conference.

He hopes this will add value to the attendee's professional development and experience at the conference.

“As a responsible business entity, Old Mutual want to help the accountants body properly organize the conference. We believe they will exchange ideas which will help them achieve professional growth in the country,” said Jambo.
ICAM president Moffat Ngalande hailed Old Mutual for the support, adding, for the country to achieve MW2063, collaboration and partnerships need to be encouraged.
“We think that partnerships are critical if we are to transform Malawi into a wealthy and self-reliant industrialized upper middle-income country by the year 2063, hence encouraging key partners to work together.

“Old Mutual has just demonstrated that, by making this donation. We appreciate their work in the country, and most of our members are engaged by this institution in some of its projects,” said Ngalande.
Ngalande also urged accounting professionals to desist from corruption and fraud, and remain good stewards of resources they manage for the betterment of the country.   
The Annual Lakeshore Conference by ICAM, will be commemorated under the theme “Creating Value, Building sustainable economy towards MW2063".

By Franklin Mtambalika

The ministry of health has secured an approval by the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) International Coordinating Group (ICG) on Cholera to administer 250,000 cholera doses in the districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje with special focus on hotspot areas.

The ministry’s spokesperson Adrian Chikumbe has told Zodiak in an interview on Monday that preparations are at an advanced stage for the five-day campaign, which commences on 28th August 2023.

“We have at least 250,000 cholera vaccines, to administer in the two districts, in areas where cholera cases are still being reported,” said Chikumbe.

He said government has high hopes all doses will be absorbed in the targeted areas which were hard-hit by Cyclone Freddy.

He adds that now people have realized the importance of getting the vaccine in preventing the disease.

Chikumbe emphasized that the interventions will then later be spread to other districts.

A public health expert Sandra Mapemba has commended the government for prioritizing areas which were affected by Cyclone Freddy.

She says access to clean and portable water remains a challenge in those areas.

“This is a welcome development, considering the fact that these areas have experienced perennial flooding, and stagnation of water and access to portable water has become an issue. This has left a lot of communities more vulnerable to a wide range of diseases including cholera,” she said.

Although the cholera situation has been controlled in the country, the ministry of health says a lot of work needs to be done, especially in three districts of Mangochi, Zomba and Chikwawa, where sporadic cases of cholera are being reported.

The cholera vaccine is a complementary intervention, and the main strategies for cholera control remain ensuring good hygiene practices, using safe water, food hygiene, regular hand washing with soap and no open defecation.

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