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Ronnex Chiwanda

Ronnex Chiwanda

An outbreak of bedbugs has hit households in communities around Phalombe boma sparking discomfort among people who are now asking for official intervention.

A man aged 31, Dyton Malinga, has been arrested in Phalombe for allegedly killing another man aged, 22, Chimwemwe Chimberenga over alleged theft of a bicycle.

Man In for Murder Allegation

Police in Phalombe have arrested a 31 year-old-man, Dyton Malinga, for allegedly killing a 22 year-old-man, Chimwemwe Chimberenga, of Nampinga Village, Senior Chief Kaduya in Phalombe on suspicion that he stole a bicycle.

Phalombe South Parliamentarian, Mary Mpanga, has hinted on the need for the country to embrace water harvesting concept to alleviate hunger.

Phalombe North-East Parliamentarian, Denis Namachekecha, says hunger situation in his area is getting worse due to scarcity of maize in Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) depots, giving room to vendors to sell the staple grain at exorbitant prices.

 At least 3, 954 households have been displaced in Phalombe after their houses collapsed and submerged due to heavy rains that has hit the district.

Police in Phalombe have arrested nine men for defacing public infrastructure after they allegedly dug a drainage trench across a tarmac road to allow flooded water flow across the  road.

As government continues appealing to people to relocate upland for safety, some people are still constructing houses along the river banks of Phalombe river raising fears of disaster.

Barely days after fall army worms attacked maize fields in some districts in the central and northern regions, a total of 172 hectares have been attacked in Phalombe district.

Only days after reports of African army worms attacking maize fields in some districts in the central and northern regions, a total of 172 hectares have been attacked in Phalombe district.
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