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Ronnex Chiwanda

Ronnex Chiwanda

14 Group Village Heads under Traditional Authority Mkhumba in Phalombe have agreed to get vaccinated once administration of the Covid-19 jab resumes.

 Phalombe District Education Network (PHADEN) has challenged authorities to ensure that there is favorable learning environment for learners.

The Phalombe First Grade Magistrate's court has slapped Chancy Kaunda and Henderson Sagawa with 11 years imprisonment for robbery with violence.

Health authorities in Phalombe have challenged communities to desist from attacking health workers administering the ongoing cervical cancer vaccine.

Police in the South Eastern Region have challenged people to avert taking the law into their own hands whenever there are misunderstandings between the community and police.

In a bid to ensure that there is continuity of learning and teaching once natural disasters hit, Plan Malawi in partnership with Oxfam have donated learning and teaching materials to 10 schools located in disaster prone areas in Phalombe.

Ministry of Transport says it has engaged driving schools in the country to reduce training fees so that a lot of motorcycle taxi operators popularly known as Kabaza should have driving licenses.

Communities around Nambazo Health Centre in Phalombe have asked authorities to redeploy an ambulance which was withdrawn from the facility without any explanation some months ago.

Ministry of education says lack of role models and poverty is fueling school dropout among girls in the country.

As the harsh winter season rages on, a faith-based organization has reached out to 30 households which include the elderly and people with disabilities with blankets in Phalombe.

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