Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Ronnex Chiwanda

Ronnex Chiwanda

A senior chief in Phalombe whose area of jurisdiction shares boundary with Mozambique says she is banking her hope on initiatives that can help to curb child trafficking after enforcement of by-laws seem to hit a snag.

A 29- year-old man   has died in Phalombe after being struck by lightning on Thursday. 

Representatives of major political parties in Phalombe have assured organizations that are advocating for peace that they will ensure that their supporters abide by principles of peace as the citizenry awaits   court verdict on the elections case.

Almost two weeks after the ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development (MoAIWD) closed the fishing season in the country’s lakes, Zodiak understands that the only boat which the fisheries office in Phalombe uses developed a fault some months ago.

Land Laws Yet to Roll Out

The country’s citizenry should wait a little longer to start using the new land laws as the line ministry says it is still working on some technicalities on the pilot program. 

Authorities in Phalombe have urged organizations offering educational bursaries to consider reaching those in national and conventional secondary schools.

Roads Authority (RA) has ordered contractor of the newly- constructed Zomba- Jali- Phalombe- Chitakale road, Fargo Limited, to rehabilitate some sections of the road because they are in a bad state.

Phalombe district council has conceded that it is failing to manage waste properly in its markets due to financial hiccups.

Almost a week after government launched this year’s Farm Inputs Subsidy Program (FISP), some areas in Phalombe are yet to start buying the farm inputs forcing, people to walk long distances in pursuit of the inputs.

Police in Phalombe have arrested a 40 year old Health Surveillance Assistant (HSA) on suspicion that he stole hospital furniture, mattress and other items.

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