Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Steve Kalungwe

Steve Kalungwe

Health authorities at Neno district hospital says that they have not registered any further case of scabies that savaged 40 learners at Nkhande primary school in the area of Senior Chief Symon.

The Neno District Council on Sunday launched its first ever K4 m football and netball league using the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) drawn from Neno North and South constituencies.

The Neno District Forestry Officer Eric Mbingwani has blamed aggressive communities of Kambale and Chifunga trade centres as the ones fueling massive deforestation in the district.

Police in Neno have today arrested a 50-year-old man Finiasi Ngwinjiri on suspicion that he bought property suspected to have been stolen.

The Neno district council has a new contingency plan which will among other things help to mitigate the impacts of climate disastrous hazards in the district.

People of Neno district have to wait a little longer to enjoy a tarmac road as government has terminated the contract of China Geo Engineering Company which was constructing the 20 kilometer Neno road at the request of the contractor.

Beyond Our Hearts Foundation with financial support from Save the Children-Italy on Monday and Tuesday conducted Community Entry and Sensitization on Localization project under the frame "Transforming Local Institutions through Empowerment for Disaster Management and Climate Resilience/Tiyende Pamodzi and Anticipatory Action."

In a bid to strengthen coordination among different stakeholders working in health-related services in Neno, the District Hospital Management there has called on all Health Technical Working Group members to show commitment.

After eight months of successful campaign on ending child marriages and harmful practices through a UNICEF funded project in Neno, stakeholders have hailed the project.

In an attempt to answer a call by the Neno District Council Disaster Risk Management Officer, the Neno North constituency member of parliament Thoko Tembo on Wednesday donated 5 bags of cement and other items to a woman who had her house gutted down by fire.

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