Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Inno Kumchedwa

Inno Kumchedwa

Fatsani Keneth is a 15-year-old form one student at Malowa Community Day Secondary School in Chipoka Salima.

Innocent Kumchedwa investigates the dilemma of some parents to disclose early to their children, born with HIV, their status.  

71-year-old Stelia Saka from Chavu village Traditional Authority Chiwere in Dowa, for the past three years has been harvesting just enough for her five-member family.

Old Mutual Pensions Services Company (OMPSC) and Old Mutual Malawi Life Assurance Company (OMMLAC) have launched a mass campaign that will among others highlight beneficiary nomination and pension claims procedures.

Old Mutual Malawi Limited is set to host the second edition of the Partnership Conversation Series (OMPCS), a tailor-made event aimed at enhancing partnerships and conversations that would propel development, shared value  and mindset change.

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