Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Zuleika Nanguwo

Zuleika Nanguwo

Lilongwe Water Board says it has extended its water supply network to areas outside its jurisdiction where cholera is on the rise under its cholera response strategy.

Chairperson for the Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament Peter Dimba has resigned from his position with immediate effect.

Women rights activists have commended President Lazarus Chakwera for a satisfactory gender representation in the new cabinet but say he should work toward a 50:50 representation in the future.

The Lilongwe Water Board has awarded K14 million to 26 best performing and needy students in the Agricultural and Engineering Department at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR).

The Ministry of Water and Sanitation says the country is losing 1.1 percent of its GDP to expenses incurred in the provision of health care to people affected by ailments which come as a result of poor sanitation.

The Lilongwe Water Board has confessed it has a production deficit of 25,000 cubic meters of water required to meet supply demand for people living in Lilongwe and surrounding areas.

Lilongwe Water Board (LWB) says it has registered a two percent drop in revenue loss emanating from water leakage and illegal connections, saving about K1.4 billion between July and July this year.

The Lilongwe City Council says it will not be able to meet a deadline imposed by the Parliamentary Committee on Natural Resources to relocate the city’s dumpsite as they have not identified a new place yet.

Lilongwe: The Ministry of Health in Malawi says it is uncertain when the country will receive another consignment of oral cholera vaccine as there is a high demand of the vaccines globally which is putting pressure on donors.

A meeting of high emotions it was! One clinician nearly shed a tear when she implied that the ministry of health lied to the nation yesterday by releasing a statement to the effect the problem had been rectified when it was not.

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