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Norbert Mzembe

Norbert Mzembe

NKhata-Bay district commissioner, Rodgers Newa says 3% of trees in the district are being destroyed every year resulting to adverse impact of climate change affecting livelihoods, a situation which needs a collaborative effort to safeguard and restore them.

A 33-year-old man identified as Oris Jeke has died in Nkhata-Bay after the horse of a tractor he was operating overturned and rested on him.

The accident, according to NKhata-Bay police spokesperson, Sergeant Kondwani James, occurred yesterday afternoon within Vizara Rubber plantation in the district.

"At the material time, Jeke was operating a company tractor registration number NB 8217 John Deere within South Chombe rubber plantation field with three passengers on board," said James.

He added that upon arrival at field 86, as he was descending a slope, a metal bar that joins a trailer to the horse (drawbar) got broken, leading to disconnection of the two parts.

James further added; "The trailer started rolling behind the horse and eventually hit the horse, forcing it to overturn, which in the end rested on him and following the impact, he sustained severe head and internal injuries."

Jeke hailed from Traditional Authority Mkumbira in the district. He was pronounced dead upon arrival at Nkhata-Bay District Hospital, while the three passengers sustained minor injuries and were treated at the same hospital as out-patients.


Duty bearers in Nkhata-Bay have been challenged to fight human trafficking by reporting such cases and sensitising communities about the evil practice.

Local leaders in Nkhata-Bay have vowed to take leading roles in the fight against Covid-19 and cholera as the district prepares for the launch of integrated Covid-19 Vaccination and Tithetse Cholera campaigns.

Minister of transport and public works Jacob Hara has expressed dissatisfaction over the management of the Nkhata-Bay Jetty by concessionaire Mota Engil, saying it is deteriorating by each passing day.

Water and Environmental Sanitation Network (WESNET) says if cholera outbreak is not contained during this dry season, it might be almost impossible to stop it come the rainy season.

A Magistrate Court in Nkhatabay has adjourned to 27th June a rape case in which a 45-year-old man, Clever Msosa is being accused of raping his 22-year-old mentally challenged daughter.

The court heard that the matter was reported to Chintheche Community Hospital on 25th May this year.

Looking depressed, the girl’s mother, Violet Kishombe of Group Village Head Ngombo Chipayika in Traditional Authority Malanda in the district told the court that on a material day as she was away, her daughter went to seek refuge at their neighbors’ house where she reported the matter after the father started asking her for sex again.   

According to Clinical Officer based at Chintheche Community Hospital, Gryson Kumwenda, the girl’s mother reported that her daughter who is mentally challenged revealed that she had been having sexual intercourse with her stepfather, whenever the mother is away.

``The medical examination we conducted, revealed torn-out hymen although there was not much evidence of defilement,’’ said Kumwenda.

Lawyer representing the accused, Chipiliro Mwale of Lameck and Company told the court that evidence that was tendered by the clinical officer before the court was not valid.

Told the court Mwale, ``their medical examination was not done in time. The torn part of the girl’s sexual reproductive organ could be due to other factors.”

Kumwenda has told us that cases of defilement in the district are on the rise, like today Monday alone they brought three cases to the court and has attributed some to early marriages.

Early marriages, teenage pregnancies, and high school dropout rates are expected to decline at Tukombo Community Day Secondary School in Nkhata Bay, following the construction of a K45 million girl’s hostel, by the Gronn-Hagen B-gorke Malawi Foundation.

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