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News In Northern Region

News In Northern Region (503)

MUYO Calls for Tracking of Drugs in Public Health Facilities

A Local Youth Organization - Muumoza Youth Organization - MUYO has challenged governance structures in the areas of Senior Chief Mabulabo and Inkosi Khonsolo in Mzimba to track down systems of drug supply and usage at health centers as one way of ending the problem of drug theft which deprives communities access to quality health care.

COIDA; Eradicating GBV in Mzimba

In Malaŵi, one in every three women between the age of 15 to 49 experiences sexual or physical violence at one time or the other, according to the National statistical office.

American Citizen Pumps in K38 M in Renovation of a Health Center in Mzimba

An American citizen has bailed out communities in the area of Inkosi Mmbelwa by pumping in K38 million in the renovation of Kamteteka health center which was in a dilapidated state.

The American Linda Ward has also constructed toilets to improve sanitation at the facility which serves a population of 25000 people.

Ward also plans to construct a maternity wing and an elementary school at the health institution.

"I wanted to come in and help after I noted challenges the communities here were facing, the institution was dilapidated, had no steady water supply and the toilets were not all that good," said Ward.

"Now I will also construct a maternity wing to ensure that women are delivering in a conducive environment."

Mmbelwa district council district commissioner Emmanuel Bambe commended the action taken by the American saying her assistance has helped in giving the facility a new face.

"We are grateful with what Ward has done especially her interest to construct a maternity wing here you know as a district we are struggling with maternal-related deaths so the building of the maternity wing will help in reducing such deaths," said Bambe.

Bambe also commended Nkhondopera building construction for doing a good job, unlike other contractors who do substandard work when entrusted with such projects.

"We urge other contractors to emulate the work done by the contractor Nkhondopera building construction many times we see sub-standard works by some contractors but this is outstanding," said Bambe.

Weighing in on the Group Village headman Kamteteka Hara said the facility had no steady water supply and was an eyesore as it had been worn out and dilapidated.

" This health center serves a lot of people but it was not in good shape, we had no water here, the houses and other structures were dilapidated even the toilets were a health hazard but now with the help of Linda it now looks new," said GVH Kamteteka Hara.


Afikepo; Ending Wasting in Mzimba South

When 57-year-old Lufina Nyathi of Kayuni Nyathi village in the area of Inkosi Kampingo Sibande in Mzimba heard about the death of her daughter-in-Law in South Africa in 2017 she was utterly devastated.

MHC Top Management Suspended

Malawi Housing Corporation has suspended its top management replacing them with others, on acting basis.

Attorney General Processing Bushiri's Extradition

Attorney General, Dr. Chikosa Silungwe, says he will be submitting authority to proceed for Homeland Security minister, Richard Chimwendo-Banda, to sign for the extradition of Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary.

Low Funding Choking Fight Against GBV in Mzimba South

Mzimba South district social welfare office says insufficient funding from the government is hampering its efforts to fight gender based violence as cases are still on the rise in the district. 

Protection of Child Rights Need More Effort - Stakeholders

As the world commemorates International Human Rights Day, local players in children affairs are of the view that more efforts need to be employed to ensure children are enjoying their rights. 

Court Grants Bail to Former Minister of Lands Vuwa Kaunda

The Lilongwe Magistrate Court has granted former Minister of Lands Symon Vuwa Kaunda bail following his arrest on Tuesday on corruption allegations. 

Five Women, Others Fined for Importing Bags of Charcoal from Zambia

Mzimba Senior Resident Magistrate Court has ordered five women to pay a fine of 150,000 kwacha each for importing 180 bags of charcoal from Zambia into the country or face a jail term of up to 30 months in default. They have also been fined 100,000 kwacha each for being found in possession of the bags of charcoal illegally or serve 24 months in default. 

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