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News In Central Region

News In Central Region (1315)

Malawi Orders Schools Closed, Limits Gatherings in Wake of COVID19

President Peter Mutharika has ordered closure of all public and private schools, colleges ‘including technical colleges’, and universities by Monday , 23rd March, 2020 as a measure against the possible arrival of the coronavirus in Malawi.

Foot and Mouth Disease Resurfaces in Ntcheu

There is a scare of Foot and Mouth disease outbreak in Ntcheu, close to two years after the last attack in the district.

Backlash on New Cabinet

President Peter Mutharika has departed from his pledge to have a lean cabinet and has appointed 32 member-team which observers say is prepositioning for the fresh Presidential election scheduled for May 19.

Three nabbed for Encroachment and Killing Endangered Species

Police in Salima have arrested three men for entering a protected area and endangering protected species.

Chakwera, Chilima Talk Unity in Alliance

The Malawi Congress Party and the UTM have finally put pen to paper to an understanding on an electoral alliance leading to fresh presidential election as ordered by the constitutional court.

Gomani 5 Adds Voice on Coronavirus Preparedness

As the global community grapples with corona virus, Inkosi ya Makhosi Gomani 5 of Ntcheu has added a voice on the country's preparedness saying there is need to put across accurate information on the disease as a way of combating outbreak of the pandemic in the country.

Feedback On Rejected Bills Yet to Get to Parliament

Parliament says is yet to receive formal feedback from President Peter Mutharika on  electoral bills he has purportedly refused to assent to as well as a recommendation that Malawi Electoral Commission Commissioners should be fired.

AHL Optimistic Coronavirus Will Not Affect 2020 Tobacco Selling Season

The spread of Corona Virus in neighboring countries has prompted officials in the country's tobacco sector to start putting in place preventing measures to avoid having challenges in this year's tobacco selling season.

MCP, UTM In Grand Alliance Signing

After weeks of candid political discussions between two political ideologies, leaders of the Malawi Congress Party and the UTM parties finally put pen to paper an understanding binding them to an electoral alliance ahead of fresh presidential election as ordered by the constitutional court.

RFA Estimates K1.4 Billion in Road Tolling

The Roads Fund Administration (RFA) says they are estimating to be collecting 1.4 Billion Kwacha per year in road tolling once the yet to be constructed Toll Plaza completes in September at Chingeni in Ntcheu.

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