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News In Central Region

News In Central Region (1315)

MCP's Chakwera Urges Supporters to Respect Court Verdict

Malawi Congress Party President Lazarus Chakwera has urged his supporters to accept the ruling of the Constitutional Court in which he is a co-challenger of the May poll results.

Teachers’ Nation-Wide Strike Suspended

The two-week long nation-wide strike by teachers who were pushing, in solidarity, for payment of December 2019 salaries for some 7,000 teachers who were struck out of the government pay roll for non-production of the national identity card.

Education Ministry Ponders on Future of 'Effective' School Feeding Program

The school feeding program, where children access porridge before classes in some schools in Malawi, has proven effective in encouraging children to attend school. But it is a donor-funded program whose future is bleak when the donors withdraw.

Malawi Ranks Low On Transparency International Corruption Index

A 2019 corruption performance index released by the Transparency International has ranked Malawi at position 123 out of 180 countries, on their performance in fighting corruption.

NFRA Silos Fast Running Dry-Says Committee of Parliament

The Budget and Finance committee of Parliament visited the National Food Reserve Agency-NFRA silos in Lilongwe on Wednesday where they discovered there is only 14 thousand metric tons (MT) of maize in stock.

First of Two 'Judge Bribery' Suspects Arrested: FDH CEO Mpinganjira

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested Dr. Thomson Mpinganjira, Chief Executive Officer for FDH bank in connection with allegations that some people tried to bribe the five Constitutional Court judges trying the presidential election case.

Nation- wide Teachers' Sit-in Turns Nasty As Angry Learners Take to The Streets

The nation-wide sit-in by teachers has entered day three with now reported cases of leaners’ public protests and riots in reaction to the fact that they are missing classes.

ConCourt Says Election Case Verdict Out Between January 27th And February 3rd

Registrar of the High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal in Malawi, Agnes Patemba, says the verdict which constitutional court judges are currently putting together on the presidential election case will be out between January 27th and February 3rd.

MCTU Supports Teachers’ Sit-in, Calls On Govt. to Revisit Paying Mechanism

The Malawi Congress of Trade Unions (MCTU) has called on government to revisit and expedite review of the public service paying mechanism in order to deal with bottlenecks and challenges to do with salaries wrangles, especially among teachers.

Kottana Mysterious Death: Court Remands Three Suspects

Lilongwe Chief Resident Magistrate, Violet Chipawo, has ordered further detention of the three suspects in the sudden death of Lilongwe’ girl,  Kottana Chidyaonga.

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