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News In Central Region

News In Central Region (1315)

Malawi To Quarantine People Travelling from 22 Countries

The list of countries whose travelers will need to undergo 14 days quarantine on arrival in Malawi in the wake of the Corona Virus outbreak has now shot to 22 from 19.

MHRC Demands Professional Police Conduct

New chairperson of the Malawi Human Rights Commission, Reverend Patrick Semphere, says the Malawi Police Service has to walk the talk with regards to defending the laws and rights of citizens by being professional and independent.

Five Robert Blake Secondary School Students Arrested in Dowa Fracas

On Monday, learners from Robert Blake Secondary school went to Dowa 1 Primary School where they allegedly wanted to damage the school.

Malawi to Quarantine Travelers

Malawi has named 19 countries whose travelers will be quarantined for 14 days upon arrival in the country in the wake of the Coronavirus.

MHRC Calls For Police Professional Conduct

The Malawi human rights commission has called upon the Malawi police service to be professional and independent.

Illiteracy Derails Women Empowerment in DA

Teams Advancing Women in Agriculture (TAWINA) says limited market information, knowledge and skills, low literacy levels, limited freedom of movement, lack of decision making and negotiation are hampering women’s economic independence in Dowa.

Brothers Killed Over Chieftaincy in DA

A 62-year-old man, Kakhomba Kenamu, who is group village headman Kakhomba, is said to have killed his 66-year-old brother, Kaponda kenamu, whom he had quarreled over the chieftaincy in Dowa district.

Amnesty International Condemns Activists’ Arrests

The recent government crackdown on the HRDC leadership has attracted condemnation from an international human rights body, Amnesty International.

Plan Malawi Underscores Need to Empower Young People

Plan Malawi has underscored the need to empower young people with vocational skills, if the country is to make strides in creating meaningful employment.

Gov “Fires” 62 ICT Officers at DRTSS

Government has released some 62 non -established ICT officers at the department of Road Traffic and Safety Services.

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