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News In Central Region

News In Central Region (1335)

About 1.5 Million Malawians to Face Hunger

Results of the food security vulnerability assessment have revealed that 1 million four hundred and ninety-six thousand Malawians will face hunger during the 2020-2021 consumption year and will need food assistance.

CRWB Construct 2 Water Storage Tanks at Dedza Hospital

Concerned with an erratic water supply that is affecting operations at Dedza District Hospital, Central Region Water Board has constructed two water storage tanks worth K6m.

Experts Decry Presidential Security Laxity

Security Experts have faulted the country’s security institutions for allowing a group of party youth who are civilians to run along the Presidential Motorcade describing the conduct as unprofessional and a threat to the President’s security.

Brigadier General Misheck Chirwa (retired) and Sheriff Kaisi were reacting to Tuesday events when Malawi Congress Party (MCP) youth clad in black uniforms disregarded the security detail and run along President Lazarus Chakwera’s convoy.

Video clips that have gone viral on social media show men in black combat uniforms and red MCP branded berets running alongside the Presidential Motorcade, apparently providing security to the first citizen which Brigadier General Chirwa (retired) and Kaisi condemn as a security flaw that should not be condoned.

According to Brigadier General Chirwa (retired), currently teaching security studies at Mzuzu University, the police and army should not have allowed this to happen.

He added that it is a security concern considering that there are security institutions that are supposed to take care of the safety and security of the President.

“Where were the police and army? It seems we are going back to the old days when we had security institutions not approved by parliament.”

Another security analyst Kaisi, a former MDF soldier, says “clearly, the security institutions have failed to do their job.”

He concurs with Brigadier General Chirwa (retired) that constitutionally only the police and army are mandated to provide security for the president.

Kaisi was quick to say not every police officer or soldier does that, “special training given to those guarding the President.”

“Look at how they were running, very close to the President’s convoy and in a disorderly manner. That was total chaos. We don’t want to have a situation where one is run over by the convoy.”

Malawi Police Service National Spokesperson James Kadadzera asked for more time before commenting.

MCP Deputy Spokesperson Ezekiel Ching’oma admitted that the people seen in the video are MCP youth. He however said they were not providing security to the President.

“The people, including the youth and women were running towards the Bingu International Convention Centre BICC where President Lazarus Chakwera was to hold a rally. It is just unfortunate that it looked like they were providing security.”

He further said the party’s Director of Youth Richard Chimwendo Banda who is also minister of Homeland Security has condemned what happened.

“Having noted what happened, the Party’s Director of Youth called the leaders of those that were running along the Presidential Convoy and told them never to do it again.” Said Ching’oma.

The Constitution of Malawi mandates the Police and Military to provide security for the president.

Geography Teachers Sharpen GIS Skills

At least 72 teachers drawn from various Community Day Secondary Schools across the country are undergoing a four weeks Geographic Information Systems (GIS) course at Mzuzu University (MZUNI) delivered through Open Distance and e-Learning (ODeL).

Learners Plead for a Classroom Block

A Standard 2 learner at Chikombola primary school, in the area of Senior Chief Kalonga in Salima has pleaded with authorities and well-wishers to consider constructing additional classroom blocks at her school, saying the current status of learning under a tree is challenging during rainy season.

Vocational Skills Trainings Key to Ending Unemployment- Kindle

Kindle Orphan Outreach in Salima says vocational skills training among the youths remains the only sure way of reducing the high unemployment rate in Malawi where a majority of young people do not attain tertiary education.

Ramaphosa Geared To Restore SADC Peace & Security

Tyrone Seale, Acting Presidential Spokesperson for Cyril Ramaphosa, South African president who is also Chairperson for the SADC organ on Politics, Defense and Security Cooperation says the chairperson is committed to addressing concerns of security that have marred the regional bloc.

Inkosi Chakhumbira Speaks Tough on Sustainability of ODF Status

Inkosi Chakhumbira of Ntcheu says existing by-laws will be applied to communities found defying or compromising the Open Defecation Free (ODF) status the area has just attained.

Chakwera Fires Two Top Government Officials

President Dr Lazarus Chakwera has fired Newton Kambala as minister of energy and Chris Chaima, his advisor on strategy and manifesto implementation.

CDEDI's Namiwa Arrested For Illegal Assembly

Police have arrested CDEDI executive director Sylvester Namiwa for what they call an illegal assembly.

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