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News In Central Region

News In Central Region (1335)

Tobacco Estimates Down by 10% Against Market Demand in 2021

The first round of tobacco production estimates for this year has shown a 10 percent drop against the demand from buyers this growing season.

MRA Rewards Ntcheu Communities

The country's tax collecting body, Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has challenged communities living around border posts to report any suspicious activity of smuggling as the vice threatens tax collection in the country.

Former Pres Dr Joyce Banda Ask African Leaders to Promote Women

Malawi’s former President Joyce Banda has asked African leaders to find means that would provide fertile ground for women empowerment in their countries.

Low Investment Towards Nutrition Worries Oxfam

Oxfam Country Director Lingalireni Mihowa says investment in nutrition remains a small portion of overall domestic budgets in the country which affects health status of people.

Opinion Leaders Key in Raising Awareness on AstraZeneca Vaccine - WV

World Vision Malawi says the success of AstraZeneca vaccine administration in the country will require the involvement of faith leaders and influential groups in the society.

Conflict in Mozambique Won’t Affect Malawi Peace-Minister

Government says locals living in boarders areas with Mozambique are safe despite reports that Islamists in that neighboring country are beheading children in Cabo Delgado province that is located some 300 kilometers away from Malawi’s Mangochi district.

BNS Isolation Centre Temporarily Closed

Authorities have temporarily closed the Bingu National Stadium isolation centre following a decline in Covid-19 admissions.

Malawi Awarded Safe Travels Status by WTTC

Covid-19 continues to negatively affect economic development in the country.

Federal System Govt Motion Hangs in Balance

The re-tabling of a motion to introduce a federal system of government in the country remains uncertain as Parliament is skeptical as to when the motion can be re-tabled in this current sitting of parliament.

World Peace Efforts Intact Despite Covid-19 Pandemic

The world on March 14, celebrated the fifth annual commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) with a call for nations to uphold peace building despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

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