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News In Central Region

News In Central Region (1315)

APM Against ConCourt Ruling: Instructs Lawyers To Appeal

President Peter Mutharika has instructed his lawyers to file an appeal, in the country’s highest court, against an order of the Constitutional Court nullifying his narrow victory in the May 21, 2019 election and the order for a fresh presidential election in 150 days.

Afro-Barometer Findings Agree With Constitutional Court Verdict

The Centre for Social research of Chancellor College says it is high time political leaders started upholding views of Malawians on how to run the country in this majoritarian dispensation.

Tight Security On Judgment Day, Judges in Armored Vehicles

The court premises in Lilongwe’s area 3 were a no-go-zone for every Jim and Jack yesterday when the High Court sitting as Constitutional Court was passing its Judgment on the Presidential election nullification petition.

MCP Holding Victory Rally At Its' Headquarters In Lilongwe

The Malawi Congress Party-MCP-has called for what it is calling a victory rally at its’ headquarters at City Centre in the capital, Lilongwe.

European Union Says Ready ‘To Support’ Malawi On Unity And Democracy After Court Ruling

The European Union says it stands ready to support Malawi “unity and democratic credentials”, following the ruling of the Constitutional Court last evening which nullified the May 21, 2019 presidential election and subsequently called for fresh election in 150 days.

APM 2019 Election Nullified, Court Orders Fresh Polls In 150 Days

The Constitutional Court has nullified the May 21, 2019 presidential election on the basis of widespread irregularities and has ordered fresh elections within 150 days.

'Serial' Murders: Bodies Found Buried In Lilongwe Compound

Two bodies believed to be of people who had been motorcycle taxi operators have been exhumed Sunday afternoon in Biwi Township in Lilongwe city after they were allegedly butchered by an unidentified guard.

HRDC Peace, Before, During, Presidential Election Case Verdict

As the country await Constitutional Court Verdict, The vocal Human Rights Defenders Coalition has joined several stakeholders asking parties to the electoral case to respect the outcome and maintain peace thereafter.

Farmers' Field Schools Critical For Improved Productivity-FAO

The Food Agriculture Organization-FAO-says there is increased mitigation of the impact of the shortage of agriculture extension workers in districts where farmer field schools are implementing the European Union-funded Kulima AFIKEPO.

K140m District Development Fund Projects Stall in Ntcheu

Trouble continues brewing for primary school learners in Ntcheu who are learning under trees owing to delayed completion of classroom blocks under the District Development Fund (DDF) projects.
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