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News In Southern Region

News In Southern Region (3247)

Ignorance Fuels Child Abuse in Neno

As cases of child abuse continue to take center stage in many circles of discussion in the country, it has been noted that some cases are going unnoticed due to lack of knowledge in reporting them.

Nancholi Youth Assume Life-saving Role

With two nurses, one clinician and HIV/AIDS counsellors, youth at Nancholi Township under Nancholi Youth Organization (NAYO) are saving lives in Blantyre.

AHL Group Employees Down Tools

Employees at AHL Group Limbe Floors have staged a sit in protesting nonpayment of two month salaries.

Truck Drivers Seal Mwanza Border

Cross border truck drivers have sealed Mwanza border posts in protest to what they say meager salaries among other grievances.

Govt Owes Adult Literacy Instructors K3.2 bn

Government has admitted it owes at least K3.2 billion in honoraria arrears to adult literacy instructors.

Double Tragedy; COVID Worsens Migrants’ Oppression in SA

Noel Kadzem’mawa has just arrived back home in Malawi from South Africa, fleeing from a pinch of COVID-19 aftermath. He is one of over ten thousands Malawian self repatriated Malawians from South Africa who have arrived home since April this year.

High Temperature, Farming Mar Chikwawa By-election

Low turnout orchestrated by hot weather and farming activities along Shire river has marred voting in Makhuwira South Ward by-election in the Lower Shire district of Chikwawa.

Protests Turn Ugly in Thyolo

Tension is still mounting at Khonjeni in Thyolo district where the past two days irate villagers destroyed Khonjeni estate property in anger of the arrest of 8 fellow villagers accused of encroaching into the estate.

Employees Protest ESCOM Unbundling

Employees of Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) are disputing government's idea to further unbundle the parastatal by taking business unit's functions away from the Corporation.

Government Eyes Public Free Wi-Fi

Government through the Public Private Partnership Commission (PPPC) has partnered mobile network provider, TNM, to offer free Wi-Fi in public places across the country.

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