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News In Southern Region

News In Southern Region (3247)

Neno Community Police Decorated

Police in Neno district with the help of VALE logistics has awarded community policing forums in the district for their outstanding work in protecting rail lines and reducing crime among the communities surrounding the lines.

Agriculture Officials Urge Communities to Adopt Family Planning

Balaka District Agriculture Office has urged farmers to consider family planning as one way of mitigating climate change challenges affecting their food security year in year out.

Kameza Health Workers Let Loose Covid-19 Patients Over Allowances

A row over unpaid risk allowances for health workers at Kameza Covid-19 isolation Centre in Blantyre has ended in the horror of premature released of Corona virus patients last evening.

Constitution is Voice of the People – Mordecai Msisha

Senior Counsel Mordecai Msisha took his time during the lawyers march dubbed “Hands of the Judiciary” on Wednesday in Blantyre to tell the people the supremacy of the Constitution.

Mwanza Border Intensifies Security amid Covid-19

Authorities at Mwanza border have cancelled all passengers’ services including border passes in their continued efforts to fight further spread of the deadly Corona virus.

Road Accident Kills Police Officer

A police officer has died after a car he was traveling in was involved in an accident in Limbe - Blantyre on Tuesday.

Workers Threaten to Release COVID-19 Clients

Frontline workers at Kamuzu College of Nursing COVID-19 isolation center in Blantyre have stopped attending to clients to force authorities pay them outstanding allowances.

Ndisakanizeni’ on the go in Neno

The World Bank has pumped in $60 million towards improving nutritional status of under five children in Neno district under Investing in Early Years Project.

Atupele Promises Balaka People Development

With few days to Fresh Presidential Election, DPP/UDF alliance running mate, Atupele Muluzi on Sunday gave people of Balaka some hope through developmental promises among them the upgrading of Balaka- Mangochi via Chilipa earth road.

Chonde Health Centre Stays 2 Weeks under Seal

Two weeks ago, some irate villagers vandalized Chonde Health Centre in Mulanje district, accusing health workers at the facility of negligence.

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