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News In Southern Region

News In Southern Region (3244)

85 Students Withdraw from UNIMA and MUBAS

85 students have withdrawn from University of Malawi (UNIMA) and Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) for failing to pay tuition fees.

When Advocacy Triumphs Over GBV and Climate Change Challenges

When Lake Chilwa dried up in 2017 to an extent that fishermen could no longer ply their trade, families on the other hand started feeling the pinch.

Nsanje Girls Call for Action Amid Rampant Sexual Violence

Girls in Nsanje have taken duty bearers to task to address acts of gender based violence haunting them.

Tea Research Institution Calls for Adoption of Modern Farming Technologies

A tea research institution-Tea Research Foundation for Central Africa (TRFCA) has challenged tea growers to seriously adopt newly developed technologies as climate change continues affecting tea production.

Paramount Chiefs Call for Increased COVID Vaccine Awareness

Two prominent traditional leaders, Paramount Chief Lundu and Inkosi ya Makhosi Gomani V have implored the government to increase civic education tactics to motivate the majority rural poor to go for Covid 19 vaccination.

Rastafarians demand Arrest of guards Suspected to Have Assaulted their member in Mulanje

The Rastafarian Community demands arrest guards for Sayama Tea Estate Company suspected to have assaulted one of their own who eventually died while receiving treatment at Mulanje District Hospital on Saturday, 4th September, 2021.

Stakeholders Visit Nanchidwa Forest

Moved by worsening deforestation in Mulanje Mountain Forest Reserve, court, police and forestry officials on Friday visited Nanchidwa forest, the worst damaged site.

We Are Now Paying to Access Our Gardens - Malamya

Some communities living around Malawi border areas with Mozambique at Makanjira in Mangochi who claim that their land was declared foreign, after a border reaffirmation exercise, say now they have to paying to access their gardens on the other side.

Police Investigates Sayama Tea Estate Fracas

In a dramatic turn of events, police in Mulanje have disclosed that there are strong allegations that the death of a man which triggered fracas on Saturday at Sayama Tea Estate Company in Mulanje was as a result of severe beating by the company’s guards.

Dutch Cycles from Chitipa to Nsanje for OVCs

A Dutch, Johan Van Der Ham, has cycled all the way from Chitipa in the north to Nsanje in the south, covering a 1, 200 kilometre, in a drive to raise awareness on the need to support the country's orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs).

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