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News In Southern Region

News In Southern Region (3242)

Typhoid Vaccine 84 % Effective – Study

Study by the Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme has found that a single dose of typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV), the only typhoid vaccine licensed for children as young as 6 months, is safe and 84 percent effective.

Court Jails Four for Possessing Indian Hemp

A Magistrate’s Court in Mangochi on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, sentenced four men to 5-years imprisonment each and forfeited a Toyota Sienta vehicle they used to illegally ferry Indian hemp.

ICAM Set to Address Economic Challenges at Lake Conference

Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAM) says networking different delegates together in finding solution to the economy and business challenges the country is facing will ensure improve business and develop economy of the country.

Nasolo River Can’t Breathe

It is a Thursday morning, around 10 O’clock, and I have met this woman, Agness Mzumara. She is washing in a plastic bottle and waste infested Nasolo river in Ndirande township.

CDEDI Takes Govt to Task on COVID19

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiative (CDEDI) Executive Director Sylvester has accused the government of hypocrisy for not easing COVID – 19 restrictions in the hospitality and tourism sector.

Bangwe Weaving Factory Workers Down Tools

Workers at Malawi Council for the Handicapped (MACOHA) have embarked on an open-ended strike in an attempt to force management to increase their wages.

Wonders of Dialogue Meetings in Neno

It’s about two hours to sunset on Tuesday at Hiwa village, Group Village Headman Chidakwani, Traditional Authority Chekucheku in Neno district.

FPAM Mobile Clinics Excite Villagers

A UN Joint Programme on Girls Education (UNJPGE) III that Family Planning Association of Malawi (FPAM) is implementing in Mangochi has gained support from communities in hard-to-reach areas, mostly due to its mobile clinic component.

Love Costs 12-Year-Old Girl’s Life

A girl aged 12 has died in Mulanje after taking poison when she realized that her boyfriend was dating another girl.

Nsanje VNMC Rescues Over 50 Needy Learners

A Village Natural Resources Management Committee (VNRMC) under Group Village Kalupsya in the are of Traditional Authority Mbenje in Nsanje, has rescued over 50 orphans and vulnerable learners at Chirimba primary school in the district with school uniforms.

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