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News In Southern Region

News In Southern Region (3244)

USADF Protects Farmers Against NCDs

The United States African Development Foundation (USADF) has pumped in over K200 million kwacha towards the curbing of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Neno district, targeting members of two cooperatives: Mwangidzi Cooperative Society Limited and Mfundadzi farmers’ Cooperative Society Limited.

EGENCO Commences Kapichira Dam Maintenance

The Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) is optimistic that it will resume the resumption of power generation at Kapichira Hydropower Station by December this year following the commencement of maintenance works on the dam.

Kaliati to Contest in 2025 Parliamentary Elections

UTM Secretary General and former parliamentarian for Mulanje West Constituency Patricia Kaliati on Sunday confirmed her intention to contest during the 2025 parliamentary elections in the constituency.

AACC Calls MW Finance Minister to Account for Debts

As debate on revelations for the country’s increased debt levels continues, All African Conference of Churches (AACC) has asked Minister of Finance to account for the country’s accumulated debts; explaining how they were taken and used.

UP Partners MJ SCTP Beneficiaries in Resilience Building

With three grandchildren, 63-year-old Mary Sululu from Misomali village in Mulanje district has since 2015 been a beneficiary of the Social Cash Transfer Program (SCTP). She receives K7500 per month and oftentimes, the money is paid in every two months and this means she gets K15, 000 by the end of every two months.

Govt Committed to Migrate CHAM Employees into its Payroll

The government says it is working tirelessly to migrate Christian Health Association of Malawi (Cham) payroll of over 10,000 employees into its Human Resources Management Information System (HRMIS).

Come out Clear on MERP, Auxiliary Teachers Urge Govt

Some auxiliary teachers in the country have renewed their call for the government to come out clear on the future of a four-year K215 billion ($210 million) World Bank financed Malawi Education Reform Programme (MERP) since they are stranded in schools after the expiry of the Covid-19 related contracts.

ESCOM Loses 400 Transformers to Vandalism in 9 Months

The Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) says it has lost about 400 transformers from January this year, owing to vandalism.

Smallholder Farmers Bank on TRADE

Smallholder farmers in Thyolo, Blantyre and Dedza have asked authorities to institute some researches to come up with improved breeds and varieties whose produce can be sold in other countries.

Nsanje People to Petition OPC Over DC Transfer

People of Nsanje say they are set to present their petition to the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) on Tuesday in Lilongwe, protesting the transfer of their District Commissioner, Dr Medson Matchaya.

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