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News In Southern Region

News In Southern Region (3244)

PPPC Courts World Bank in Public University Hostels Financing

The Public Private Partnership Commission (PPPC) and International Finance Corporation of the World Bank are hatching an agreement to finance private investors to construct hostels in the country's public universities.

Thugs Kidnap Businessman’s Son in BT

The police in Blantyre are hunting for a gang of five assailants that last night kidnapped a son of well-known businessman Shyam Patel of OG Plastics near a Hindu temple in Limbe township, but freed him a little later.

No Plans to Increase SCTP Package - Govt

The Ministry of Gender and Social Welfare says it has no plans to adjust upwards the monthly honoraria for the beneficiaries of the Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) in the wake of the current harsh economic situation.

MUST Pleads for More Hostels and Staff Houses

Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) Vice Chancellor Professor Address Malata says the University needs more hostels and staff houses to meet their dream of increasing enrolment.

Men Dominate TB Patients

The National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Elimination Program (NTLP) says 61 percent of 14, 000 national cases of Tuberculosis (TB) involve men with 39 percent of the patients being women.

Couple Constructs ECD Center in Lilongwe

Over 100 children from group village headman Kumwandama in Lilongwe are privileged to have quality access to early childhood development, thanks to a Malawian couple based in America.

Matandani Technical College Accused of Flouting Labour Laws

Workers at Matandani Technical College in Neno district have faulted the school’s managers of violating labour laws by among other things terminating contracts without notice and favoritism.

2, 125 Children Leave School in Neno

Education authorities in Neno district say a total of 2, 125 children have dropped out of school this year due to among other things child labour and neglect, discrimination based on physical challenges, forced marriages and poor school facilities.

Man Sentenced to 10 Years IHL for Buggery

Mangochi Senior Resident Magistrate's Court on Tuesday June 28, 2022, convicted and sentenced, Austin Cleartone, 25, to 10-years imprisonment with hard labour (IHL) for having sexual intercourse against the order of the nature with another man in prison.

Forestry Department to Find Lasting Solution - Nkondetseni

The Department of Forestry says it is still working to find lasting solutions to protect Mulanje Mountain Forest Reserve and part of Michesi Forest in Phalombe from encroachers who have depleted the reserves with various human activities.

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